Imagining the World to Come


What would a world without police, prisons, detention, extrajudicial executions, shoot-to-kill policies, racial profiling, massive spying and surveillance look like?


How would that impact our Jewish communities?


How can we change all our communities to make that world more possible?

We invite you to think about this moment of collective struggle with these offerings from our Artist, Academic, and Rabbinical councils.

The History We Need for the Future We Want

On the same week that the Seattle police shot and killed Charleena Lyles, an African American pregnant mother of four after she called to report a burglary, the Jewish Federation of Seattle planned to give the Seattle Police Department (SPD) its 2017 “Tikkun Olam” (repairing the world) award.

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Planet Refugee: Sanctuary Everywhere

What if, instead of promoting safe harbor in one country to protect solely Jewish people, our visions of refuge proliferated, creating haven for the over 50 million displaced persons worldwide?

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